The Diary
- The time has come to sell the van!
- After a few years of local UK trips and the odd European adventure we are planning a new trip.
- Shes on the move again!
- Just picked up the van
- End of the road for the moment… 27,000 miles, 14 months on the road, 18 countries and 3 revolutions
- Capetown at last.
- Okonjima and on to South Africa
- Okonjima
- Windhoek and on to the Skeleton Coast
- Maun and north into Namibia
- Okavango Delta
- On to Botswana
- Bulawayo and Victoria Falls
- Great Zimbabwe
- Nomatter Macaroni and Bad White*
- Lusaka and on to Zimbabwe
- Flatdogs camp
- No diesel in Malawi so on to Zambia
- A fine road to Malawi!
- Dar es Salaam and Zanzibar
- Lake Natron to the coast
- Ngorongoro and the Serengeti
- Around Arusha
- Across to Tanzania at Taveta and on to Kilimanjaro
- The coast Mida Creek,Watamu and Malindi
- Nairobi to the coast
- On the road again!
- Lake Naivasha
- Fishing and Tea
- North to Naivasha and Nakuru
- Nanyuki and across the equator to Nairobi
- Marsabit Road (The Road to Hell)
- Addis and down to the Kenya border
- South to Addis from Gondar
- Southern Sudan and cow carcass road to Ethiopia
- Festival of the Nubia Mountains
- Khartoum
- Northern Sudan and south to Khartoum
- Aswan to Wadi Haifa
- Luxor and Aswan
- Hurgharda and across the desert to Luxor
- Cairo and the Eastern Desert
- Day of celebration
- Flight through Egypt
- Here we go again!
- Egypt and back to Libya
- Libya
- If we thought last week was weird this takes the biscuit…
- They say guests are like fish they smell after 3 days!
- Still in Tunis
- Tunis 14th Jan
- Tunis
- New Year at La Malletiere
- Christmas and Boxing day
- All in Tangier!
- Back to the coast and North from Tan Tan to Sidi Ifini
- K’nob, Zagora and the Bolton Berber
- Beware of roads in Africa that have tiny dots along the map markings
- On the Dunes
- On south to the Desert
- Olives and South towards the Valley of a Thousand Kasbahs
- Hammam!
- Volubilis and a bit of Luxury in Fez
- Across to Africa at last
- Change of plan ’cause we can
- Still in Spain
- North of Spain and down to Salamanca
- Winch practice
- Nearly ready