Category Archives: Uncategorized

Okavango Delta

Spent a wonderful few days at Maun Backpackers and managed to get a group together to share the cost of flying over the delta in a private plane. (Thank you Sara and Laura) Amazing. We saw masses of game in … Continue reading

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On to Botswana

We met up again with the Dutch couple Charis and Jarijn who we had met in Bulawayo and they decided to come with us to Chobe just across the border into Botswana. Did you know that Botswana has only 1.9m … Continue reading

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Bulawayo and Victoria Falls

Stopped off in Bulawayo to see the famous colonial club full of mementos from past British royal visits with a huge portrait of Cecil Rhodes in the main sitting room. But at $250 per night for non members we thought … Continue reading

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Great Zimbabwe

The word Zimbabwe is derived from the Shona words dzimba dza mabwe meaning house of stoneā€¦..named of course after Great Zimbabwe! It was originally thought to be a Phoenician city or maybe part of the empire of Sheba or King … Continue reading

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Nomatter Macaroni and Bad White*

Beautiful drive south from Kariba to Harare to stay with James and Wendy. When we arrived in Harare the rain started (unknown at this time of year) and we even had a hailstorm, which confused us all. We went to … Continue reading

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Lusaka and on to Zimbabwe

We spent a few days at Bridge camp on the Luangwa river where we had a fabulous trip down the river on a canoe looking at crocodiles and hippos and of course wonderful bird life then on to Lusaka where … Continue reading

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Flatdogs camp

We spent a wonderful 5 days in South Luangwa at Flatdogscamp The camp is on the banks of the Luangwa river and you can watch hippos and crocodiles in the water from the riverside tents. Elephants, and hippo wander through … Continue reading

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No diesel in Malawi so on to Zambia

After a lovely few days at Chitimba we decided to press on south keeping to the lake shore, but the first leg was up into the hills reaching Mzuzu before heading back to the coast. No sign of diesel ( … Continue reading

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A fine road to Malawi!

Bit of an unsettling last few days in Tanzania…4 French cyclists who we met were robbed at gun point, passports money the lot, just outside Dar. They were helped out by Lucio at Mikadi beach, the police didn’t understand that … Continue reading

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Dar es Salaam and Zanzibar

We had a wonderful few days on the coast near Pangani and had a bit of a treat in the Capricorn guest house. We barbecued every night on the beach. Prawn, crab and steaks. We went out on a dhow … Continue reading

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